Bresenham Algorithms -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The standard 2d integer Bresenham line drawing algorithm is given in "Graphics Gems" (book 1) 1990, page 99 Following this in the same book is a method to almost double the speed of algorithm and then double it again using line symmetry. See also and for circles And for anti-aliased lines Xiaolin Wu's line algorithm Also in Graphics Gems II is a circle equivelent. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I hate some `standard' line drawers... I see time and time again a bad implementation of the Bresenham Line drawing algorithm in which the variables are not initialised properly. That is it does not treat an pixel value as centred in it is pixel, or failed to initialise the discriminator (error difference) properly. The result is that a line drawn from A to B is NOT the same as that draw from B to A. Or the line is not properly symmetrical. The old macintosh machines were particularly bad at this. A good line drawing algorithm should, on an integer display, be perfectally symmetrical around the centre of the line. In fact a recommended speed up (from the Graphic Gems Books), is for the algorithim to draw only half the line! The other half being a mirror of the first! Of course on a line of odd steps may be one pixel out in the very middle, but that is the only place which may be out. EG: ##### and #### but not ##### #### ##### ##### Would be equally valid results, and probably would depend on which direction the line was drawn. If the algorithm initialization always draws from the same end (EG: swap end coords if x2 < x1 ) even that problem can be solved. What I hated was that some algorithems whice would draw the above line as ######## and reversed as # # ######## Absolute Yuck, in either direction! Anthony Thyssen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3d Bresenham Line Drawing (Why I don't know) Note I have NOT tested this, just include it from a news groups. void bresenham_linie_3D(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) int x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2; { int i, dx, dy, dz, l, m, n, x_inc, y_inc, z_inc, err_1, err_2, dx2, dy2, dz2; int pixel[3]; pixel[0] = x1; pixel[1] = y1; pixel[2] = z1; dx = x2 - x1; dy = y2 - y1; dz = z2 - z1; x_inc = (dx < 0) ? -1 : 1; l = abs(dx); y_inc = (dy < 0) ? -1 : 1; m = abs(dy); z_inc = (dz < 0) ? -1 : 1; n = abs(dz); dx2 = l << 1; dy2 = m << 1; dz2 = n << 1; if ((l >= m) && (l >= n)) { err_1 = dy2 - l; err_2 = dz2 - l; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { PUT_PIXEL(pixel); if (err_1 > 0) { pixel[1] += y_inc; err_1 -= dx2; } if (err_2 > 0) { pixel[2] += z_inc; err_2 -= dx2; } err_1 += dy2; err_2 += dz2; pixel[0] += x_inc; } } else if ((m >= l) && (m >= n)) { err_1 = dx2 - m; err_2 = dz2 - m; for (i = 0; i < m; i++) { PUT_PIXEL(pixel); if (err_1 > 0) { pixel[0] += x_inc; err_1 -= dy2; } if (err_2 > 0) { pixel[2] += z_inc; err_2 -= dy2; } err_1 += dx2; err_2 += dz2; pixel[1] += y_inc; } } else { err_1 = dy2 - n; err_2 = dx2 - n; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { PUT_PIXEL(pixel); if (err_1 > 0) { pixel[1] += y_inc; err_1 -= dz2; } if (err_2 > 0) { pixel[0] += x_inc; err_2 -= dz2; } err_1 += dy2; err_2 += dx2; pixel[2] += z_inc; } } PUT_PIXEL(pixel); } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bresenham's algorithm for ellipses void symmetry( int x, int y ) { PUT_PIXEL ( -x, -y ); PUT_PIXEL ( +x, -y ); PUT_PIXEL ( -x, +y ); PUT_PIXEL ( +x, +y ); } void bresenham_ellipse( int a, int b ) { int x,y,a2,b2, S, T; a2 = a*a; b2 = b*b; x = 0; y = b; S = a2*(1-2*b) + 2*b2; T = b2 - 2*a2*(2*b-1); symmetry(x,y); do { if (S<0) { S += 2*b2*(2*x+3); T += 4*b2*(x+1); x++; } else if (T<0) { S += 2*b2*(2*x+3) - 4*a2*(y-1); T += 4*b2*(x+1) - 2*a2*(2*y-3); x++; y--; } else { S -= 4*a2*(y-1); T -= 2*a2*(2*y-3); y--; } symmetry(x,y); } while (y>0); } See also gdImageEllipse() function in file "bresenham_ellipse" of the libgd 2.0.1 package ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CONIC 2D Bresenham-like conic drawer. // CONIC(Sx,Sy, Ex,Ey, A,B,C,D,E,F) draws the conic specified // by A x^2 + B x y + C y^2 + D x + E y + F = 0, between the // start point (Sx, Sy) and endpoint (Ex,Ey). // Author: Andrew W. Fitzgibbon (, // Machine Vision Unit, // Dept. of Artificial Intelligence, // Edinburgh University, 5 Forrest Hill, EH1 2QL, UK // // Date: 31-Mar-94 #include #include #include static int DIAGx[] = {999, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1}; static int DIAGy[] = {999, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1}; static int SIDEx[] = {999, 1, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1}; static int SIDEy[] = {999, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0}; static int BSIGNS[] = {99, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1}; int debugging = 1; struct ConicPlotter { virtual void plot(int x, int y); }; struct DebugPlotter : public ConicPlotter { int xs; int ys; int xe; int ye; int A; int B; int C; int D; int E; int F; int octant; int d; void plot(int x, int y); }; void DebugPlotter::plot(int x, int y) { printf("%3d %3d\n",x,y); if (debugging) { // Translate start point to origin... float tF = A*xs*xs + B*xs*ys + C*ys*ys + D*xs + E*ys + F; float tD = D + 2 * A * xs + B * ys; float tE = E + B * xs + 2 * C * ys; float tx = x - xs + ((float)DIAGx[octant] + SIDEx[octant])/2; float ty = y - ys + ((float)DIAGy[octant] + SIDEy[octant])/2; // Calculate F float td = 4*(A*tx*tx + B*tx*ty + C*ty*ty + tD*tx + tE*ty + tF); fprintf(stderr,"O%d ", octant); if (d<0) fprintf(stderr," Inside "); else fprintf(stderr,"Outside "); float err = td - d; fprintf(stderr,"Real(%5.1f,%5.1f) = %8.2f Recurred = %8.2f err = %g\n", tx, ty, td/4, d/4.0f, err); if (fabs(err) > 1e-14) abort(); } } inline int odd(int n) { return n&1; } inline int abs(int a) { if (a > 0) return a; else return -a; } int getoctant(int gx, int gy) { // Use gradient to identify octant. int upper = abs(gx)>abs(gy); if (gx>=0) // Right-pointing if (gy>=0) // Up return 4 - upper; else // Down return 1 + upper; else // Left if (gy>0) // Up return 5 + upper; else // Down return 8 - upper; } int conic(int xs, int ys, int xe, int ye, int A, int B, int C, int D, int E, int F, ConicPlotter * plotterdata) { A *= 4; B *= 4; C *= 4; D *= 4; E *= 4; F *= 4; // Translate start point to origin... F = A*xs*xs + B*xs*ys + C*ys*ys + D*xs + E*ys + F; D = D + 2 * A * xs + B * ys; E = E + B * xs + 2 * C * ys; // Work out starting octant int octant = getoctant(D,E); int dxS = SIDEx[octant]; int dyS = SIDEy[octant]; int dxD = DIAGx[octant]; int dyD = DIAGy[octant]; int bsign = BSIGNS[octant]; int d,u,v; switch (octant) { case 1: d = A + B/2 + C/4 + D + E/2 + F; u = A + B/2 + D; v = u + E; break; case 2: d = A/4 + B/2 + C + D/2 + E + F; u = B/2 + C + E; v = u + D; break; case 3: d = A/4 - B/2 + C - D/2 + E + F; u = -B/2 + C + E; v = u - D; break; case 4: d = A - B/2 + C/4 - D + E/2 + F; u = A - B/2 - D; v = u + E; break; case 5: d = A + B/2 + C/4 - D - E/2 + F; u = A + B/2 - D; v = u - E; break; case 6: d = A/4 + B/2 + C - D/2 - E + F; u = B/2 + C - E; v = u - D; break; case 7: d = A/4 - B/2 + C + D/2 - E + F; u = -B/2 + C - E; v = u + D; break; case 8: d = A - B/2 + C/4 + D - E/2 + F; u = A - B/2 + D; v = u - E; break; default: fprintf(stderr,"FUNNY OCTANT\n"); abort(); } int k1sign = dyS*dyD; int k1 = 2 * (A + k1sign * (C - A)); int Bsign = dxD*dyD; int k2 = k1 + Bsign * B; int k3 = 2 * (A + C + Bsign * B); // Work out gradient at endpoint int gxe = xe - xs; int gye = ye - ys; int gx = 2*A*gxe + B*gye + D; int gy = B*gxe + 2*C*gye + E; int octantcount = getoctant(gx,gy) - octant; if (octantcount <= 0) octantcount = octantcount + 8; fprintf(stderr,"octantcount = %d\n", octantcount); int x = xs; int y = ys; while (octantcount > 0) { if (debugging) fprintf(stderr,"-- %d -------------------------\n", octant); if (odd(octant)) { while (2*v <= k2) { // Plot this point ((DebugPlotter*)plotterdata)->octant = octant; ((DebugPlotter*)plotterdata)->d = d; plotterdata->plot(x,y); // Are we inside or outside? if (d < 0) { // Inside x = x + dxS; y = y + dyS; u = u + k1; v = v + k2; d = d + u; } else { // outside x = x + dxD; y = y + dyD; u = u + k2; v = v + k3; d = d + v; } } d = d - u + v/2 - k2/2 + 3*k3/8; // error (^) in Foley and van Dam p 959, "2nd ed, revised 5th printing" u = -u + v - k2/2 + k3/2; v = v - k2 + k3/2; k1 = k1 - 2*k2 + k3; k2 = k3 - k2; int tmp = dxS; dxS = -dyS; dyS = tmp; } else { // Octant is even while (2*u < k2) { // Plot this point ((DebugPlotter*)plotterdata)->octant = octant; ((DebugPlotter*)plotterdata)->d = d; plotterdata->plot(x,y); // Are we inside or outside? if (d > 0) { // Outside x = x + dxS; y = y + dyS; u = u + k1; v = v + k2; d = d + u; } else { // Inside x = x + dxD; y = y + dyD; u = u + k2; v = v + k3; d = d + v; } } int tmpdk = k1 - k2; d = d + u - v + tmpdk; v = 2*u - v + tmpdk; u = u + tmpdk; k3 = k3 + 4*tmpdk; k2 = k1 + tmpdk; int tmp = dxD; dxD = -dyD; dyD = tmp; } octant = (octant&7)+1; octantcount--; } // Draw final octant until we reach the endpoint if (debugging) fprintf(stderr,"-- %d (final) -----------------\n", octant); if (odd(octant)) { while (2*v <= k2 && x != xe && y != ye) { // Plot this point ((DebugPlotter*)plotterdata)->octant = octant; ((DebugPlotter*)plotterdata)->d = d; plotterdata->plot(x,y); // Are we inside or outside? if (d < 0) { // Inside x = x + dxS; y = y + dyS; u = u + k1; v = v + k2; d = d + u; } else { // outside x = x + dxD; y = y + dyD; u = u + k2; v = v + k3; d = d + v; } } } else { // Octant is even while ((2*u < k2) && (x != xe) && (y != ye)) { // Plot this point ((DebugPlotter*)plotterdata)->octant = octant; ((DebugPlotter*)plotterdata)->d = d; plotterdata->plot(x,y); // Are we inside or outside? if (d > 0) { // Outside x = x + dxS; y = y + dyS; u = u + k1; v = v + k2; d = d + u; } else { // Inside x = x + dxD; y = y + dyD; u = u + k2; v = v + k3; d = d + v; } } } return 1; } main(int argc, char ** argv) { DebugPlotter db; db.xs = -7; db.ys = -19; db.xe = -8; = -8; db.A = 1424; db.B = -964; db.C = 276; db.D = 0; db.E = 0; db.F = -40000; conic(db.xs,db.ys,db.xe,,db.A,db.B,db.C,db.D,db.E,db.F, &db); } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------